To create a portrait is a complex art.

You have to show the essence of who you photograph.

As photographers and video makers this is a challenge we face every day: it is certainly hard, but these small difficulties make us love our job.

Before every portrait we need to meet our clients, to know their desires and doubts: only then we will be ready to shoot and create a portrait in which they will fully recognise themselves.

Should you have any questions or doubts, do not hesitate to contact the number 0141-31.671 or come and visit our studio at the address c.so Felice Cavallotti, 19 in Asti.

Personal branding

For a professionist having a good presentation image is fundamental. It transmits reliability and helps recruiters or potential clients get a clear impression of the personality of who stands before them.

We create portraits for professional use with meticulous attention to give our clients the most representative images of their profession in the highest quality. Location is chosen by clients: it could be our studio, your company or office.

The duration of this kind of service is about 30 or 40 minutes and we always suggest our clients wear their uniform. Once the service is concluded, we give the customer about 20 files in high definition and carefully post produced.

We also create companies promoting videos if requested: It is a very specific and personal
option. Considering the detailed planning for this kind of videos, we prefer to discuss every detail in a preliminary meeting with our clients.
If you haven’t found the answer to your questions, all you have to do is fill out the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible to decide for a preliminary meeting in our studio or even online.

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Personal branding portrait - White and Black - Asti
The personal branding portrait allows recruiters or potential clients to get a very clear idea of ​​the person in front of them.


Taking pictures is savoring life intensely every hundredth of a second.
(Marc Ribaud)

To create a portrait is a complex art.

You have to show the essence of who you photograph.

As photographers and video makers this is a challenge we face every day: it is certainly hard, but these small difficulties make us love our job.

Before every portrait we need to meet our clients, to know their desires and doubts: only then we will be ready to shoot and create a portrait in which they will fully recognise themselves.

Personal branding portrait - White and Black - Asti
The personal branding portrait allows recruiters or potential clients to get a very clear idea of ​​the person in front of them.

Personal branding

Per un professionista avere un’ottima immagine di presentazione è fondamentale. Denota serietà e consente ai recruiter, o ai potenziali clienti, di farsi un’idea molto chiara della persona che hanno di fronte.

Realizziamo ritratti ad uso professionale con meticolosa attenzione, così da fornire ai nostri clienti delle immagini di altissima qualità e profondamente rappresentative della loro professione. La location è a libera scelta dei nostri clienti: scattiamo nel nostro studio, o all’interno della tua azienda, luogo di lavoro od ufficio.

Le tempistiche per questo genere di ritratto sono molto ridotte, e si aggirano tra i 30 e i 40 minuti e consigliamo sempre di portare i propri abiti da lavoro (o divisa) per questo tipo di scatti. Una volta realizzato il servizio, consegniamo circa 20 file ad alta risoluzione, tutti attentamente post prodotti.

Creiamo anche video aziendali su richiesta: è un’opzione molto specifica e personalizzabile. Vista l’attenta pianificazione richiesta per il montaggio video, preferiamo discutere ogni aspetto nel dettaglio con i nostri clienti durante un colloquio conoscitivo.
Se non sei riuscito a trovare la risposta ai tuoi dubbi, o se vuoi prenotare un appuntamento, tutto quello che devi fare è compilare il form sottostante.
Ti ricontatteremo al più presto per fissare un incontro preliminare nel nostro studio (o online);

Non vediamo l’ora di poterti conoscere.